Alcohol Surveys-Forsyth County

Do you need to get your Alcohol Survey in Forsyth County quickly? Are you looking for a surveyor that can provide your alcohol survey within a week? Quick response is what Atlanta Engineering specializes in doing. Our team strives to meet your needs.

Call Elvin at 770-316-1720 or email to ela@atlantaeng.com.

Alcohol surveys in Forsyth County must show the distance to the nearest church, school grounds, school building, education building, and college campus.

It is also important to know that distance requirement varies depending on the type of alcoholic beverage being sold by the business. The Code of Ordinance for alcohol license is found for Forsyth County in Chapter 6 of the code.

Distance Measurements Specified for
Alcohol Surveys Forsyth County

Section 6-3, h (1) of the ordinance for Forsyth County for beer, wine, and distilled spirits consumption on the premises license states that no license shall be issued to a business that is within 20 yards of a church, school building, education building, school grounds, or college campus.

Section 6-3, (h) (1) a ((1-2) goes states that “For purposes of measuring the distance shall be measured by the most direct route of travel on the ground and shall be measured in the following manner: (1) In a straight line from the front door of the structure from which alcoholic beverages are sold or offered for sale, (2) To the front door of the building of a church, government-owned treatment center or a retail package store, or (3) To the nearest property line of the real property being used for school or educational purposes.”

It is important to understand that requirements vary for consumption on premises, for package sales for wine or malt beverages sold by the package, and for distilled spirits package sales. See more information for Alcohol Surveys-Forsyth County in the ordinance.

Package sales license. Wine and malt beverage package sales. No license shall be issued for the sale of wine or malt beverages by the package to any business located within the minimum setback distance required by O.C.G.A. 3-3-21(a)(1)(B) and (C).a.

For purposes of measuring the distance for wine and malt beverage package sales, distances shall be measured by the most direct route of travel on the ground, and the methodology in subsection (h)(1)a.1.—3. shall be used.

Distilled spirits package sales. No license shall be issued for the retail sales of distilled spirits by the package to any business that is within 100 yards of any church building or within 200 yards of any school building, educational building, school grounds, or college campus.

Alcohol Surveys-Forsyth County for Schools

Alcohol License requirements for schools or colleges are also specified in the Forsyth County ordinance.

For the purpose of subsection (h), the schools or colleges referred to herein, shall include only such state, county, city, church, private, or other schools that teach the subjects commonly taught in the common schools and colleges of this state and expressly exclude buildings used by school officials solely for administrative purposes in which school children are not regularly taught. For purposes of subsection (h), and except as otherwise specifically set forth below, childcare centers shall not be deemed school or educational buildings unless the childcare center satisfies the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690(b), in which event the minimum setback distances required by O.C.G.A. § 3-3-21(a)(1)(A) and (B) shall apply; provided, in no event will a license be issued for the sale of distilled spirits by the package to any outlet located within 100 yards from any child care center, regardless of whether the child care center satisfies the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690(b), if such child care center receives state or federal funding for educational programming.

This brief article is intended to be an overview of distance requirements for alcohol surveys in Forsyth County and does not contain all the requirements in alcohol surveys-Forsythe County.

More Information on Alcohol Surveys
for Forsyth County

For more information about alcohol surveys-Forsyth County go to Forsyth County's Website. For an Alcohol Survey:

Call Elvin Aycock at 770-316-1720 or

Email Elvin at ela@atlantaeng.com.

Expedited Services available.

Alcohol Survey Information

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