3-D Accident Simulations in
Traffic Accident Reconstruction

Traffic Accident Reconstructionists use 3-D accident simulations videos to explain an accident to a jury. The video shows the jury how the accident happened in a way that is easily understood.

CNN Requests a 3-D Accident Simulation
for the Jim Levritz case

The State of Florida v. Jim Leyritz

This 3D simulation video of the accident involving Major League Baseball star Jim Leyritz shows how the accident happened. The vehicles collided in the intersection. Jim Leyritz's vehicle contacted the left rear of the Mitsubishi Montero. The Mitsubishi rotated and rolled, causing the driver to be ejected.

CNN asked Atlanta Engineering Services to prepare the video simulation for CNN's "In Session" program. You can read the details of the outcome of the trial in ESPN MLB, Jim Leyritz acquitted in Florida.

Videos of 3-D Accident Simulations

Computer Simulations

3-D accident simulations are used in traffic accident cases to show how an accident happened. The output is a video showing the vehicles, the collision of the vehicles and their travel to final rest.

We produce it using a 3-D computer program.The program is physics based and movement of the colliding vehicles is determined by the thousands of calculations the computer program makes. It calculates the forces in time intervals of a fraction of a second.

Data Input into the Computer

The reconstruction engineer inputs information into the computer program. Some of the information used by the program are the drag factor of the pavement surface, the weight of the vehicles, the angle of impact, the rest position of the vehicles and the speeds of each of the vehicles.

The engineer runs the simulation using the data. The computer calculates the movement of the vehicles by the interaction of the vehicles and the vehicles come to rest.

Usually, the correct rest positions of the vehicles are not achieved on the first run. The engineer adjusts the input data and runs the simulation again. It often takes many computer runs before the end results match the scene evidence. 

Video of the End Results

Once the engineer has successfully simulated the accident, a 3-D accident simulation video is produced. This allows the video to be played on any computer.

One of the most important features of using a 3-D accident simulation is the ability to show the movement of the vehicles from any angle or position. We can make a view of what a witness could see from her position. Another view could be from the driver's eye position and another view could be from high above the scene.

Atlanta Engineering Services
and 3-D Accident Simulations

We have been creating 3-D simulations for more than12 years. Attorneys have used our simulations to show how accidents happened and also by CNN in reporting a high-profile accident case.

Related Information about Traffic Accident Reconstruction

Types of traffic accidents

Collision analysis in 10 steps

The accident scene investigation 

Atlanta Engineering Services, Inc. offers scene mapping... read more here

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View a sample engineering report here

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Multiple surfaces calculator to determine the stopping distance when there is more to consider.

Vehicle speed calculator

Animation expert

Accidents involving motorcycles

How a vehicle inspection analysis can help you after an accident

Reconstructing accidents involving Non-Commercial trucks

Read how vehicle defects can be the cause of a traffic accident here. 

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See real 3D accident simulations with this link

More 3D accident reconstruction videos can be found here

See actual photos of traffic accidents here

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