Atlanta Engineering performs accident reconstruction due to roadway defects, in order to determine the underlying cause of many traffic accidents.
Roadway defects created from lack of proper maintenance or construction create hazardous conditions that lead to accidents. Hydroplaning and run-off-the-road are only two types of accident caused by roadway defects.
Atlanta Engineering Services investigates accidents caused by highway defects. Our expertise in civil engineering, traffic accident reconstruction, hydrology and hydroplaning is used to identify these defects in grading, shoulder drop-offs, cross-slope issues, horizontal and vertical curvatures, super-elevation transitions, as well as slopes that can lead to improper drainage. In many cases, this causes hydroplaning on wet roadways.
Typically, when a design or construction flaw is present, problems associated with hydroplaning, skidding, poor visibility, and other kinds of impairment often are the result.
The highway environment can contribute to a road accident including:
Poor design or layout
Improperly marked construction work zones
Inadequate signage and traffic control devices
Poor road surface condition
Inadequate or incorrectly constructed curbs
Lack of adequate drainage
Missing guardrails and barrier walls
Worn, poorly maintained or incorrect road markings
Improper or limited sight distance
Types of Defective Roadways
Improper construction of super elevation
Improper location of catch basins
Excessive edge of pavement drop-offs
Accumulation of soil on shoulders prevent adequate drainage
Hazards obstructing visibility at dangerous intersections
Improper construction of guard rails
Ingress and egress ramps that are dangerously short or don't allow safe merging
Improperly marked construction zones
Slick pavement or pavement with inadequate skid resistance
Improper drainage that leads to dangerous street surfaces, ponding, and hydroplaning
Poorly maintained roadways, rutting, potholes, etc.
Obstructions limiting visibility at intersection
Absent, defective, or improper warning signage
Poorly placed and dangerous highway traffic signals
Poorly maintained pavement markings
Elvin Aycock, PE, PH, PLS
I have been a professional engineer for more than 45 years. I have been investigating hydroplaning traffic accidents for more than 25 years.
Simply call me to see how I can help!
Related Information about Traffic Accident Reconstruction
A vehicle inspection analysis can determine how and why the accident happened. Atlanta Engineering can help uncover the cause and provide expert witness for you.
Scene investigations to locate police markings and other roadway evidence illustrated here using scene mapping, which involves creating a scaled drawing of the roadway evidence.
If you have had an accident involving motorcycles, it is important that the attorney or insurance claims adjustor contact our experts immediately to obtain as much evidence as possible.
The process of scene mapping using a detailed scaled drawing of the roadway evidence, can provide conclusive forensic evidence is often left on the roadway as a result of the accident.
Atlanta Engineering Services would like to give you a free electronic copy of our most recent article featured in Collision Magazine. Find out more here
Collision Analysis is just one part of traffic reconstruction provided by Atlanta Civil Engineering. See these 10 steps which briefly summarize the procedure.
Accident reconstruction and collsion analysis is accomplished by gathering wreck data at the scene, inspecting the vehicles and calculating speeds of each vehicle.